
Types of advising holds


During their first semester at IU Indianapolis, all new students are expected to meet and to discuss their plans for the next term with their student success advisor. The goal is to ensure you have the information and tools you need to successfully plan your education and to navigate IU Indianapolis.


No enrollment is allowed in the next term until the hold is released.

Release procedure

To release the hold, you must make an appointment with one of the student success advisors in your cluster to discuss your transition to IU Indianapolis, to review your academic and career goals, and to develop a plan for coursework in future semesters.

NOTE: If you are a freshman in a first-year seminar (FYS), the student success advisor in your FYS may provide you information about scheduling an appointment to clear the advising hold.

Details are emailed to your university email account when this hold has been added to your record.


To ensure that all undergraduate students make appropriate progress toward completion of a degree, University College students who started at IU Indianapolis as beginning freshmen are required to enter a degree-granting program by the time they earn 60 credit hours.


No enrollment is allowed in the next term until the hold is updated.

Release procedure

To release the hold, you must make an appointment with one of the student success advisors in your cluster to review your academic and career goals, to develop a plan for coursework in future semesters, and to develop a plan for admission to your degree-granting program.

Details are emailed to your university email account when this hold has been added to your record.

Once you are fully admitted to your degree-granting program, the hold will be fully removed.


To ensure timely progress toward completion of a degree, you should declare an intended major by the time you have completed 30 credit hours. If you are an exploratory major and have 30 or more credit hours, you will need to go through major and career exploration.


No enrollment is allowed in the next term until the hold is updated.

Release procedure

To release the hold, you must make an appointment with one of the exploratory student success advisors about major and career exploration.

Details are emailed to your university email account when this hold has been added to your record.


Students whose cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 are put on academic probation. We want you to be successful and are here to help in any way. We believe the probation program will help you achieve your educational goals.


No enrollment is allowed in the next term until the hold is updated.

Release procedure

To release the hold, you must make an appointment with one of the student success advisors in your cluster to review your academic and career goals, develop a plan for success for the current (and future) semesters, connect you with a mandatory mentoring program, and develop a course plan for future semesters.

Additional details are emailed to your university email account when this hold has been added to your record.


When your cumulative GPA fails to meet our retention standards, you'll be academically dismissed from University College. Students who have been dismissed from the university are not able to enroll in classes at IU Indianapolis for at least the next fall or spring term following the academic dismissal.


No enrollment is allowed on any IU campus (multi-institutional).

Release procedure

Students must follow the procedures and petition for reinstatement. Details can be found under About, click on Policies, and then Academic Reinstatement.


Once reinstated after academic dismissal, you will be removed from the dismissal hold and added to the register-one-term-only hold. The goal is to ensure you have continued support in your return to IU Indianapolis and to help you continue working on your plan for academic success.


No enrollment is allowed in the next term until the hold is updated.

Release procedure

Until you achieve good standing (a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher) or until you are admitted to your degree-granting program (whichever comes first), you are required to have an appointment with a student success advisor in your cluster each semester. At this appointment, you will review current academic progress and resources and develop a plan for the upcoming semester. 

How to find a hold

A hold can be placed on your record for reasons including but not limited to: past due encumbrance (e.g., parking tickets, library fines, tuition payments), academic standards, failure to meet immunization requirements, required academic advising, missing admission credentials, or noncompliance with other university regulations or obligations.

A hold on your record can impact one or more of the following:

  • Enrollment (ability to register for classes)
  • Receiving a transcript

To check if a hold has been placed on your record, log into One.IU.edu and follow these steps:

  • Search for “holds”
  • Click on the Records Holds task
  • View the list of holds
  • Click on Details in the first column to get more information about the hold and how to resolve it

Depending on the type of hold, you may need to contact Academic and Career Development, the Health Life Sciences Advising Center, or even a different office.

All academic holds placed by University College require an advising appointment.