
About the chemistry major

Chemistry is the science that studies the basic structural units of matter—what things are made of, what their properties are, and how they act and interact. You'll study the composition and behavior of matter, the process of chemical change, and the theoretical description and laboratory simulation of the phenomena.  

Skills and abilities this major develops: laboratory techniques, data analysis, complex computation, and presentation of research findings, verbally or in writing. Critical thinking and problem solving are essential.

Engaged learning experiences

Regardless of your major or future career, engaged learning is vital to your present and future. It makes you more marketable for jobs and professional schools upon graduation, it enables you to build deeper connections with faculty and staff in your field of study, and it makes your learning personal by connecting your interests and values with the curriculum from your classes. Check out the three ideas below for places to get started, or learn more at IU Indianapolis’s Institute for Engaged Learning website.

Quick facts

Sample coursework

  • Analytical chemistry
  • Calculus 1, 2, and 3
  • Introduction to instrumental analysis
  • Organic chemistry 1 and 2
  • Physics 1 and 2
  • Principles of chemistry 1 and 2

Possible careers

  • Analytical chemist
  • Associate analytical chemist
  • Chemist
  • Quality control technician
  • Research scientist
  • Senior research scientist*

*This career requires further education or training.

Where could I work?

  • AIT Bioscience
  • Alcon
  • Covance
  • Educational institutions
  • Federal, state, or local government
  • Roche Diagnostics

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Cluster

This major belongs to the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) cluster. The STEM cluster is the academic home of University College students pursuing majors in the sciences, technology, engineering, informatics, and computing. The STEM cluster partners with students on their academic advising and career plans to guide them into their degree-granting schools.

Learn about the STEM cluster

Learn about other clusters

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