
Degree map

One of the most difficult tasks of being a college student is figuring out what classes to take and when to take them. In order to make the process a little easier, each major at IU Indianapolis has its own degree map outlining the path you should take to graduate as quickly as possible.

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Get admitted to the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Admission by certification
  • Declare an O'Neill major
  • Be in good academic standing, which requires the following:
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above
    • Prior term GPA of 2.0 or above
    • Note: If a student has completed 12 hours toward the O'Neill major, they also need a C+ average in those courses.

Enterprise, Policy, and Planning Cluster

This major is part of the Enterprise, Policy, and Planning (EPP) cluster. The EPP cluster is the academic home of University College students pursuing or interested in business; economics; labor studies; organizational leadership; public and environmental affairs; sport management; and tourism, conventions, and event management.

Learn about the EPP cluster

Learn about other clusters