Communication Studies

About the communication studies major

A major in communication studies focuses on interpersonal communication, small group interactions, organizational communication, and public communication. You'll learn how to relate to individuals and groups, as well as the importance of clearly expressing oneself to others through various forms of media. The major is designed to provide you with a broad-based liberal arts education and to develop transferable skills that are valued by many employers.

Skills and abilities this major develops: research, public speaking, problem solving, writing, and intrapersonal communication (IU School of Liberal Arts, 2017).

Quick facts

Sample coursework

  • Argumentation and debate
  • Communication research methods
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Introduction to acting
  • Mass media
  • Organizational communication
  • Research experience

Possible careers

  • Human resource specialist 
  • Fundraiser
  • Marketing specialist
  • Recruiter
  • Sales coordinator
  • Social media manager
  • Training and development specialist

Where could I work?

  • Education
  • Eli Lilly and Company
  • IU Health
  • IU Indianapolis
  • Public relations
  • State of Indiana

Arts, Humanities, and Human Services Cluster

This major is part of the Arts, Humanities, and Human Services (AHHS) cluster. The AHHS cluster is the academic home of University College students pursuing majors in art and design, education, general studies, journalism, liberal arts, and social work. The AHHS cluster partners with students on their academic advising and career plans to guide them into their degree-granting schools. 

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