Criminal Justice

About the criminal justice major

With a criminal justice major, you’ll get an in-depth look at the policies, procedures, and history behind the U.S. criminal justice system. The criminal justice major is part of the B.S.C.J. degree, which will give you an advanced understanding of the techniques used to protect citizens and the community.

You’ll take an interdisciplinary mix of courses, such as criminological theory and policies, criminal law, policing, data analysis, courts, and corrections. Plus, you’ll have research opportunities with O’Neill faculty who are examining a wide range of issues, from drug treatments to prison populations, right here in the community (O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, 2019).

Skills and abilities this major develops: communication, problem-solving, investigation, and critical thinking skills.

Engaged learning experiences

Regardless of your major or future career, engaged learning is vital to your present and future. It makes you more marketable for jobs and professional schools upon graduation, it enables you to build deeper connections with faculty and staff in your field of study, and it makes your learning personal by connecting your interests and values with the curriculum from your classes. Check out the three ideas below for places to get started, or learn more at IU Indianapolis’s Institute for Engaged Learning website.

Quick facts

Sample coursework

  • American criminal justice system
  • American policing
  • Crime and public policy
  • Criminal courts
  • Criminal law

Possible careers

  • Court administrator
  • Detective*
  • Federal law officer
  • Investigator*
  • Police officer*
  • Private security officer
  • Probation officer

*These careers require additional training or education.

Where could I work?

  • Federal law enforcement agencies
  • Indiana Department of Corrections
  • Indiana State Police
  • Local law enforcement
  • Re-entry facilities 

Arts, Humanities, and Human Services Cluster

This major is part of the Arts, Humanities, and Human Services (AHHS) cluster. The AHHS cluster is the academic home of University College students pursuing majors in art and design, education, general studies, journalism, liberal arts, and social work. The AHHS cluster partners with students on their academic advising and career plans to guide them into their degree-granting schools. 

Learn about the AHHS cluster

Learn about other clusters

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