Physical Education Teacher Education

About the physical education teacher education major

The physical education teacher education major is for students who would like to teach physical education, wellness, or health at the K–12 level. The curriculum provides content knowledge and practical experiences to prepare students for a career in teaching and youth development.

Along with coursework in the School of Education at IU Indianapolis, the curriculum prepares students for the teacher licensing examination in this content area specialty. Students have opportunities to gain teaching experience in multiple local community or school settings.

Skills and abilities this major develops: knowledge of motor learning and behavioral learning stages, classroom management techniques, basics of first aid and emergency care, and cultural competencies.

Engaged learning experiences

Regardless of your major or future career, engaged learning is vital to your present and future. It makes you more marketable for jobs and professional schools upon graduation, it enables you to build deeper connections with faculty and staff in your field of study, and it makes your learning personal by connecting your interests and values with the curriculum from your classes. Check out the three ideas below for places to get started, or learn more at IU Indianapolis’s Institute for Engaged Learning website.

Quick facts

Sample coursework

  • Adapted physical education
  • Fitness and dance education
  • Growth and motor performance
  • Methods of institution for K–12
  • Sport pedagogy
  • Student teaching and internship

Possible careers

  • Director of school-based physical activity programs
  • Health educator
  • Interscholastic sports coach
  • Physical education teacher
  • School principal or administrator*
  • Youth camp director

*This career requires additional training or education.

Where could I work?

  • Government agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Primary and secondary education systems
  • Private for-profit businesses
  • Self-employed

Health and Life Sciences Cluster

This major belongs to the Health and Life Sciences (HLS) cluster.

Learn about the HLS cluster

Learn about other clusters

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