Integrative studio practice

Herron School of Art and Design

The flexibility of this program enables you to pursue studies in ceramics, drawing, furniture design, painting, photography, or printmaking to achieve objectives specific to your individual artistic goals. These goals are established through careful counseling with Herron faculty and staff, and each student is assisted in setting up a well-coordinated, diversified program of fine art studies. Though this degree track is less traditional, opportunities following graduation are equivalent to those of students identifying with a single program.

Degree map

One of the most difficult tasks of being a college student is figuring out what classes to take and when to take them. In order to make the process a little easier, each major at IU Indianapolis has its own degree map outlining the path you should take to graduate as quickly as possible.

 View degree map

Major-career connections


Arts, Humanities, and Human Services Cluster

This major is part of the Arts, Humanities, and Human Services (AHHS) cluster. The AHHS cluster is the academic home of University College students pursuing majors in art and design, education, general studies, journalism, liberal arts, and social work. The AHHS cluster partners with students on their academic advising and career plans to guide them into their degree-granting schools. 

Learn about the AHHS cluster

Learn about other clusters